Payne, Oklahoma

Payne County is a participating Work Ready Community that is actively engaged in earning their certified status.

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Jan 31, 2025

Goals updated only for participating counties

40037 Creek 0.44 0.56 us-ok-037 CR 40081 Lincoln 0.50 0.50 us-ok-081 LI 40049 Garvin 0.44 0.50 us-ok-049 GA 40051 Grady 0.50 0.50 us-ok-051 GR 40059 Harper 0.50 0.50 us-ok-059 HA 40151 Woods 0.67 0.40 us-ok-151 WO 40011 Blaine 0.50 0.45 us-ok-011 BL 40017 Canadian 0.50 0.47 us-ok-017 CA 40075 Kiowa 0.54 0.44 us-ok-075 KI 40015 Caddo 0.50 0.55 us-ok-015 CA 40137 Stephens 0.50 0.50 us-ok-137 ST 40141 Tillman 0.54 0.56 us-ok-141 TI 40033 Cotton 0.50 0.52 us-ok-033 CO 40083 Logan 0.45 0.57 us-ok-083 LO 40103 Noble 0.40 0.43 us-ok-103 NO 40001 Adair 0.49 0.56 us-ok-001 AD 40041 Delaware 0.49 0.50 us-ok-041 DE 40107 Okfuskee 0.56 0.50 us-ok-107 OK 40039 Custer 0.50 0.50 us-ok-039 CU 40009 Beckham 0.50 0.50 us-ok-009 BE 40055 Greer 0.52 0.42 us-ok-055 GR 40057 Harmon 0.51 0.56 us-ok-057 HA 40019 Carter 0.50 0.65 us-ok-019 CA 40095 Marshall 0.50 0.41 us-ok-095 MA 40093 Major 0.70 0.57 us-ok-093 MA 40073 Kingfisher 0.50 0.50 us-ok-073 KI 40035 Craig 0.50 0.50 us-ok-035 CR 40123 Pontotoc 0.47 0.48 us-ok-123 PO 40125 Pottawatomie 0.36 0.45 us-ok-125 PO 40131 Rogers 0.40 0.42 us-ok-131 RO 40147 Washington 0.53 0.50 us-ok-147 WA 40071 Kay 0.50 0.50 us-ok-071 KA 40047 Garfield 0.50 0.50 us-ok-047 GA 40021 Cherokee 0.50 0.44 us-ok-021 CH 40109 Oklahoma 0.50 0.50 us-ok-109 OK 40023 Choctaw 0.55 0.52 us-ok-023 CH 40005 Atoka 0.56 0.56 us-ok-005 AT 40087 McClain 0.22 0.63 us-ok-087 MC 40079 Le Flore 0.54 0.53 us-ok-079 LF 40061 Haskell 0.51 0.58 us-ok-061 HA 40003 Alfalfa 0.50 0.50 us-ok-003 AL 40077 Latimer 0.45 0.50 us-ok-077 LA 40027 Cleveland 0.65 0.34 us-ok-027 CL 40045 Ellis 0.33 0.45 us-ok-045 EL 40007 Beaver 0.50 0.50 us-ok-007 BE 40031 Comanche 0.50 0.45 us-ok-031 CO 40067 Jefferson 0.63 0.38 us-ok-067 JE 40119 Payne 0.48 0.50 us-ok-119 PA 40111 Okmulgee 0.53 0.34 us-ok-111 OK 40145 Wagoner 0.37 0.50 us-ok-145 WA 40129 Roger Mills 0.51 0.52 us-ok-129 RM 40043 Dewey 0.50 0.50 us-ok-043 DE 40117 Pawnee 0.31 0.51 us-ok-117 PA 40143 Tulsa 0.74 0.67 us-ok-143 TU 40091 McIntosh 0.44 0.50 us-ok-091 MC 40069 Johnston 0.50 0.53 us-ok-069 JO 40135 Sequoyah 0.55 0.42 us-ok-135 SE 40101 Muskogee 0.54 0.28 us-ok-101 MU 40013 Bryan 0.44 0.43 us-ok-013 BR 40089 McCurtain 0.55 0.43 us-ok-089 MC 40115 Ottawa 0.50 0.50 us-ok-115 OT 40063 Hughes 0.47 0.38 us-ok-063 HU 40121 Pittsburg 0.40 0.58 us-ok-121 PI 40029 Coal 0.50 0.50 us-ok-029 CO 40149 Washita 0.50 0.49 us-ok-149 WA 40025 Cimarron 0.30 0.43 us-ok-025 CI 40105 Nowata 0.51 0.50 us-ok-105 NO 40113 Osage 0.64 0.39 us-ok-113 OS 40053 Grant 0.50 0.50 us-ok-053 GR 40085 Love 0.46 0.28 us-ok-085 LO 40127 Pushmataha 0.44 0.50 us-ok-127 PU 40139 Texas 0.46 0.49 us-ok-139 TE 40153 Woodward 0.50 0.64 us-ok-153 WO 40065 Jackson 0.52 0.58 us-ok-065 JA 40097 Mayes 0.50 0.43 us-ok-097 MA 40099 Murray 0.62 0.50 us-ok-099 MU 40133 Seminole 0.50 0.49 us-ok-133 SE

97 %

of goals attained

Progress Towards Goals

Payne is actively participating in the Work Ready program. To become a Certified Work Ready Community, they must prove their ongoing commitment to developing a thriving economy for employers and employees. Requirements include:

  • Having economic development advocates receive training at a Work Ready Bootcamp.
  • Help members of the community's current, emerging and transitioning workforce earn National Career Readiness Certificates.
  • Generate support among private and public employers in the community for hiring people who have earned an NCRC.

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School 2371 584 1081 489 217
College 254 26 101 90 37
Current Private 396 47 175 119 55
Public 121 24 49 38 10
Transitioning Adult Education 29 5 18 + +
Unemployed 452 79 240 107 26
Recent Veteran + 0 + 0 0
Workforce category not identified + 0 0 + 0
Totals 3625 765 1665 847 348
Workforce Total
Emerging High School 2371 584 1081 489 217
College 254 26 101 90 37
Current Private 396 47 175 119 55
Public 121 24 49 38 10
Transitioning Adult Education 29 5 18 + +
Unemployed 452 79 240 107 26
Recent Veteran + 0 + 0 0
Workforce category not identified + 0 0 + 0
Totals 3625 765 1665 847 348

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Jan 31, 2025

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging 1289 2625
285 517
Transitioning 462 482
Workforce category not identified + 1
Workforce Total
Total Employers 34

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 48 9 0 0
Bronze 53 2 0
Silver 10 0
Gold 5

Service Delivery Locations

These are the locations in Payne County where a job seeker can take the WorkKeys test.

  • Meridian Technology Center

Contact Us

For more information on Payne County's efforts in the Work Ready program, contact:

Meridian Technology Center