Bennett, South Dakota

Looking forward to Bennett County participating soon!

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Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Sep 30, 2024

Goals updated only for participating counties

46129 Walworth 0.59 0.50 us-sd-129 WA 46041 Dewey 0.55 0.43 us-sd-041 DE 46067 Hutchinson 0.50 0.50 us-sd-067 HU 46043 Douglas 0.65 0.40 us-sd-043 DO 46045 Edmunds 0.50 0.50 us-sd-045 ED 46107 Potter 0.56 0.50 us-sd-107 PO 46061 Hanson 0.50 0.50 us-sd-061 HA 46097 Miner 0.49 0.50 us-sd-097 MI 46087 McCook 0.50 0.50 us-sd-087 MC 46079 Lake 0.50 0.50 us-sd-079 LA 46099 Minnehaha 0.50 0.50 us-sd-099 MI 46051 Grant 0.66 0.50 us-sd-051 GR 46039 Deuel 0.50 0.50 us-sd-039 DE 46103 Pennington 0.76 0.71 us-sd-103 PE 46025 Clark 0.50 0.50 us-sd-025 CL 46005 Beadle 0.50 0.50 us-sd-005 BE 46011 Brookings 0.50 0.50 us-sd-011 BR 46057 Hamlin 0.50 0.50 us-sd-057 HA 46109 Roberts 0.31 0.61 us-sd-109 RO 46037 Day 0.49 0.50 us-sd-037 DA 46015 Brule 0.56 0.50 us-sd-015 BR 46023 Charles Mix 0.65 0.50 us-sd-023 CM 46059 Hand 0.50 0.50 us-sd-059 HA 46115 Spink 0.50 0.50 us-sd-115 SP 46085 Lyman 0.48 0.43 us-sd-085 LY 46053 Gregory 0.28 0.56 us-sd-053 GR 46105 Perkins 0.51 0.50 us-sd-105 PE 46063 Harding 0.50 0.50 us-sd-063 HA 46019 Butte 0.51 0.50 us-sd-019 BU 46137 Ziebach 0.43 0.52 us-sd-137 ZI 46055 Haakon 0.45 0.60 us-sd-055 HA 46031 Corson 0.50 0.50 us-sd-031 CO 46069 Hyde 0.49 0.50 us-sd-069 HY 46093 Meade 0.58 0.52 us-sd-093 ME 46089 McPherson 0.50 0.50 us-sd-089 MC 46073 Jerauld 0.50 0.50 us-sd-073 JE 46013 Brown 0.50 0.50 us-sd-013 BR 46049 Faulk 0.50 0.50 us-sd-049 FA 46077 Kingsbury 0.50 0.50 us-sd-077 KI 46111 Sanborn 0.50 0.50 us-sd-111 SA 46003 Aurora 0.50 0.50 us-sd-003 AU 46021 Campbell 0.62 0.50 us-sd-021 CA 46117 Stanley 0.31 0.56 us-sd-117 ST 46119 Sully 0.54 0.50 us-sd-119 SU 46027 Clay 0.50 0.43 us-sd-027 CL 46017 Buffalo 0.64 0.50 us-sd-017 BU 46071 Jackson 0.48 0.50 us-sd-071 JA 46127 Union 0.39 0.36 us-sd-127 UN 46081 Lawrence 0.42 0.49 us-sd-081 LA 46029 Codington 0.50 0.50 us-sd-029 CO 46033 Custer 0.45 0.51 us-sd-033 CU 46007 Bennett 0.50 0.50 us-sd-007 BE 46035 Davison 0.50 0.50 us-sd-035 DA 46009 Bon Homme 0.49 0.40 us-sd-009 BH 46101 Moody 0.50 0.50 us-sd-101 MO 46125 Turner 0.50 0.40 us-sd-125 TU 46135 Yankton 0.50 0.45 us-sd-135 YA 46121 Todd 0.50 0.50 us-sd-121 TO 46095 Mellette 0.42 0.58 us-sd-095 ME 46123 Tripp 0.50 0.53 us-sd-123 TR 46083 Lincoln 0.45 0.57 us-sd-083 LI 46091 Marshall 0.50 0.48 us-sd-091 MA 46047 Fall River 0.50 0.50 us-sd-047 FR 46113 Shannon 0.51 0.53 us-sd-113 SH 46065 Hughes 0.61 0.31 us-sd-065 HU 46075 Jones 0.50 0.49 us-sd-075 JO

0 %

of goals attained

Progress Towards Goals

We look forward to Bennett participating soon

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School 237 65 113 39 20
College 0 0 0 0 0
Current Private 0 0 0 0 0
Public + + + 0 0
Transitioning Adult Education + 0 0 + 0
Unemployed + + 0 0 +
Recent Veteran 0 0 0 0 0
Workforce category not identified 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 242 67 114 40 21
Workforce Total
Emerging High School 237 65 113 39 20
College 0 0 0 0 0
Current Private 0 0 0 0 0
Public + + + 0 0
Transitioning Adult Education + 0 0 + 0
Unemployed + + 0 0 +
Recent Veteran 0 0 0 0 0
Workforce category not identified 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 242 67 114 40 21

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Sep 30, 2024

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging N/A 237
N/A 2
Transitioning N/A 3
Workforce category not identified 0 0
Workforce Goals Actual
Employers Supporting N/A 0

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 0 0 0 0
Bronze 0 0 0
Silver 0 0
Gold 0

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