Monterey, California

Monterey County is a participating Work Ready Community that is actively engaged in earning their certified status.

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Jan 31, 2025

Goals updated only for participating counties

06083 Santa Barbara 0.51 0.29 us-ca-083 SB 06111 Ventura 0.45 0.24 us-ca-111 VE 06071 San Bernardino 0.38 0.46 us-ca-071 SB 06115 Yuba 0.27 0.69 us-ca-115 YU 06101 Sutter 0.55 0.48 us-ca-101 SU 06031 Kings 0.63 0.50 us-ca-031 KI 06053 Monterey 0.34 0.59 us-ca-053 MO 06057 Nevada 0.20 0.54 us-ca-057 NE 06059 Orange 0.40 0.34 us-ca-059 OR 06065 Riverside 0.51 0.54 us-ca-065 RI 06073 San Diego 0.64 0.50 us-ca-073 SD 06041 Marin 0.49 0.49 us-ca-041 MA 06075 San Francisco 0.43 0.75 us-ca-075 SF 06095 Solano 0.63 0.49 us-ca-095 SO 06097 Sonoma 0.57 0.45 us-ca-097 SO 06055 Napa 0.53 0.52 us-ca-055 NA 06013 Contra Costa 0.63 0.51 us-ca-013 CC 06009 Calaveras 0.45 0.44 us-ca-009 CA 06077 San Joaquin 0.50 0.39 us-ca-077 SJ 06035 Lassen 0.59 0.31 us-ca-035 LA 06091 Sierra 0.61 0.44 us-ca-091 SI 06067 Sacramento 0.68 0.32 us-ca-067 SA 06017 El Dorado 0.41 0.54 us-ca-017 ED 06099 Stanislaus 0.25 0.69 us-ca-099 ST 06061 Placer 0.65 0.33 us-ca-061 PL 06043 Mariposa 0.41 0.42 us-ca-043 MA 06063 Plumas 0.51 0.54 us-ca-063 PL 06049 Modoc 0.50 0.50 us-ca-049 MO 06089 Shasta 0.59 0.49 us-ca-089 SH 06109 Tuolumne 0.48 0.45 us-ca-109 TU 06039 Madera 0.47 0.64 us-ca-039 MA 06003 Alpine 0.53 0.56 us-ca-003 AL 06069 San Benito 0.59 0.57 us-ca-069 SB 06047 Merced 0.43 0.48 us-ca-047 ME 06079 San Luis Obispo 0.47 0.41 us-ca-079 SL 06011 Colusa 0.62 0.51 us-ca-011 CO 06007 Butte 0.45 0.56 us-ca-007 BU 06081 San Mateo 0.35 0.64 us-ca-081 SM 06087 Santa Cruz 0.26 0.64 us-ca-087 SC 06085 Santa Clara 0.51 0.48 us-ca-085 SC 06029 Kern 0.58 0.51 us-ca-029 KE 06005 Amador 0.17 0.65 us-ca-005 AM 06113 Yolo 0.55 0.40 us-ca-113 YO 06033 Lake 0.49 0.61 us-ca-033 LA 06045 Mendocino 0.56 0.37 us-ca-045 ME 06103 Tehama 0.51 0.53 us-ca-103 TE 06023 Humboldt 0.42 0.68 us-ca-023 HU 06093 Siskiyou 0.54 0.42 us-ca-093 SI 06027 Inyo 0.38 0.55 us-ca-027 IN 06001 Alameda 0.63 0.59 us-ca-001 AL 06037 Los Angeles 0.61 0.19 us-ca-037 LA 06025 Imperial 0.49 0.49 us-ca-025 IM 06021 Glenn 0.50 0.50 us-ca-021 GL 06107 Tulare 0.50 0.50 us-ca-107 TU 06019 Fresno 0.47 0.54 us-ca-019 FR 06015 Del Norte 0.45 0.46 us-ca-015 DN 06105 Trinity 0.45 0.55 us-ca-105 TR 06051 Mono 0.48 0.76 us-ca-051 MO

52 %

of goals attained

Progress Towards Goals

Monterey is actively participating in the Work Ready program. To become a Certified Work Ready Community, they must prove their ongoing commitment to developing a thriving economy for employers and employees. Requirements include:

  • Having economic development advocates receive training at a Work Ready Bootcamp.
  • Help members of the community's current, emerging and transitioning workforce earn National Career Readiness Certificates.
  • Generate support among private and public employers in the community for hiring people who have earned an NCRC.

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School 323 135 164 23 +
College 16 + 8 + 0
Current Private 294 117 141 30 6
Public 73 30 40 + +
Transitioning Adult Education 12 5 7 0 0
Unemployed 786 340 343 84 19
Recent Veteran 0 0 0 0 0
Workforce category not identified 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 1504 631 703 143 27
Workforce Total
Emerging High School 323 135 164 23 +
College 16 + 8 + 0
Current Private 294 117 141 30 6
Public 73 30 40 + +
Transitioning Adult Education 12 5 7 0 0
Unemployed 786 340 343 84 19
Recent Veteran 0 0 0 0 0
Workforce category not identified 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 1504 631 703 143 27

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Jan 31, 2025

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging 617 339
111 367
Transitioning 1555 798
Workforce category not identified 0 0
Workforce Total
Total Employers 30

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 42 1 0 0
Bronze 3 0 0
Silver 1 0
Gold 0