Clark, Nevada

Clark County is a certified Work Ready Community that is actively engaged in maintaining their status.

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Jan 31, 2025

Goals updated only for participating counties

32005 Douglas 0.49 0.28 us-nv-005 DO 32013 Humboldt 0.54 0.39 us-nv-013 HU 32021 Mineral 0.53 0.51 us-nv-021 MI 32023 Nye 0.57 0.31 us-nv-023 NY 32011 Eureka 0.49 0.63 us-nv-011 EU 32017 Lincoln 0.49 0.60 us-nv-017 LI 32003 Clark 0.44 0.37 us-nv-003 CL 32015 Lander 0.61 0.61 us-nv-015 LA 32027 Pershing 0.50 0.55 us-nv-027 PE 32007 Elko 0.58 0.50 us-nv-007 EL 32510 Carson City 0.69 0.49 us-nv-510 CC 32019 Lyon 0.56 0.46 us-nv-019 LY 32029 Storey 0.50 0.49 us-nv-029 ST 32033 White Pine 0.50 0.50 us-nv-033 WP 32009 Esmeralda 0.63 0.42 us-nv-009 ES 32031 Washoe 0.48 0.44 us-nv-031 WA 32001 Churchill 0.54 0.50 us-nv-001 CH

Status History:

Certified: May 2019

Maintained 1: Aug 2021

Maintained 2: Jan 2022

4 out of 5
Hover over the chart to see how they received their points.

Progress Towards Goals

Clark is actively engaged in maintaining their status as a Work Ready Community. To do so, they must earn 5 points that prove their ongoing commitment to developing a thriving economy for employers and employees.

Traditional goals 3 Points

Maximum of 4 points possible

Current Goal - 1 points

Emerging Goal - 1 points

Transitioning Goal - 1 points

Optional goals 1 Points

Maximum of 3 points possible

Improved Certificates - 1 points

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School 6175 1029 2132 2238 776 0
College 383 57 157 129 40 0
Current Private 2733 829 1009 588 307 0
Public 1652 580 678 301 93 +
Transitioning Adult Education 147 55 63 26 + 0
Unemployed 9119 3219 3684 1610 606 0
Recent Veteran 38 6 + 6 + 0
Workforce category not identified 12 + + + + 0
Totals 20234 5777 7728 4900 1829 +
Workforce Total
Emerging High School 6175 1029 2132 2238 776 0
College 383 57 157 129 40 0
Current Private 2733 829 1009 588 307 0
Public 1652 580 678 301 93 +
Transitioning Adult Education 147 55 63 26 + 0
Unemployed 9119 3219 3684 1610 606 0
Recent Veteran 38 6 + 6 + 0
Workforce category not identified 12 + + + + 0
Totals 20234 5777 7728 4900 1829 +

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Jan 31, 2025

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging 3146 6558
869 4386
Transitioning 4247 9285
Workforce category not identified 6 6
Workforce Total
Total Employers 665

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 320 50 11 0
Bronze 370 75 5
Silver 595 51
Gold 17

Service Delivery Locations

These are the locations in Clark County where a job seeker can take the WorkKeys test.

  • College of Southern Nevada Division of Workforce and Economic Development

  • Las Vegas-Clark County Library District

Participating High Schools

These Clark County high schools help students prepare for and take the WorkKeys test.

  • Nevada State High School

Contact Us

For more information on Clark County's efforts in the Work Ready program, contact:

Workforce Connections

(702) 636-2346


Employers in Clark County recognize or recommend the ACT WorkKeys NCRC

Does your business support job applicants with an ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate?

Learn Why It’s Important (PDF) Join The List
View All 665 Clark County Employers Supporting

gold star icon Denotes this employers recommends job candidates have a Workkeys Certificate. Other employers recognize when job candidates hold a certificate.