Ashland, Ohio

Looking forward to Ashland County participating soon!

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Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Sep 30, 2024

Goals updated only for participating counties

39085 Lake 0.58 0.43 us-oh-085 LA 39035 Cuyahoga 0.45 0.70 us-oh-035 CU 39103 Medina 0.50 0.50 us-oh-103 ME 39153 Summit 0.50 0.50 us-oh-153 SU 39063 Hancock 0.50 0.50 us-oh-063 HA 39173 Wood 0.50 0.57 us-oh-173 WO 39039 Defiance 0.50 0.34 us-oh-039 DE 39077 Huron 0.41 0.50 us-oh-077 HU 39093 Lorain 0.41 0.43 us-oh-093 LO 39145 Scioto 0.48 0.45 us-oh-145 SC 39087 Lawrence 0.58 0.61 us-oh-087 LA 39015 Brown 0.50 0.59 us-oh-015 BR 39001 Adams 0.51 0.46 us-oh-001 AD 39049 Franklin 0.48 0.50 us-oh-049 FR 39067 Harrison 0.50 0.50 us-oh-067 HA 39013 Belmont 0.42 0.50 us-oh-013 BE 39081 Jefferson 0.52 0.50 us-oh-081 JE 39105 Meigs 0.50 0.30 us-oh-105 ME 39163 Vinton 0.50 0.34 us-oh-163 VI 39079 Jackson 0.50 0.51 us-oh-079 JA 39009 Athens 0.39 0.61 us-oh-009 AT 39059 Guernsey 0.50 0.43 us-oh-059 GU 39031 Coshocton 0.50 0.50 us-oh-031 CO 39129 Pickaway 0.41 0.49 us-oh-129 PI 39097 Madison 0.57 0.48 us-oh-097 MA 39045 Fairfield 0.42 0.51 us-oh-045 FA 39047 Fayette 0.49 0.42 us-oh-047 FA 39141 Ross 0.50 0.49 us-oh-141 RO 39071 Highland 0.50 0.50 us-oh-071 HI 39101 Marion 0.42 0.50 us-oh-101 MA 39065 Hardin 0.51 0.50 us-oh-065 HA 39149 Shelby 0.60 0.49 us-oh-149 SH 39091 Logan 0.49 0.49 us-oh-091 LO 39161 Van Wert 0.50 0.39 us-oh-161 VW 39137 Putnam 0.50 0.50 us-oh-137 PU 39133 Portage 0.50 0.50 us-oh-133 PO 39155 Trumbull 0.50 0.50 us-oh-155 TR 39055 Geauga 0.50 0.59 us-oh-055 GE 39007 Ashtabula 0.50 0.57 us-oh-007 AS 39143 Sandusky 0.50 0.64 us-oh-143 SA 39147 Seneca 0.50 0.50 us-oh-147 SE 39165 Warren 0.46 0.49 us-oh-165 WA 39017 Butler 0.50 0.48 us-oh-017 BU 39113 Montgomery 0.48 0.49 us-oh-113 MO 39033 Crawford 0.50 0.50 us-oh-033 CR 39061 Hamilton 0.49 0.42 us-oh-061 HA 39073 Hocking 0.51 0.52 us-oh-073 HO 39037 Darke 0.51 0.50 us-oh-037 DA 39019 Carroll 0.50 0.49 us-oh-019 CA 39151 Stark 0.45 0.52 us-oh-151 ST 39075 Holmes 0.50 0.50 us-oh-075 HO 39099 Mahoning 0.50 0.50 us-oh-099 MA 39005 Ashland 0.54 0.49 us-oh-005 AS 39041 Delaware 0.40 0.50 us-oh-041 DE 39083 Knox 0.59 0.49 us-oh-083 KN 39011 Auglaize 0.35 0.32 us-oh-011 AU 39089 Licking 0.51 0.50 us-oh-089 LI 39095 Lucas 0.22 0.40 us-oh-095 LU 39069 Henry 0.62 0.50 us-oh-069 HE 39171 Williams 0.50 0.49 us-oh-171 WI 39157 Tuscarawas 0.60 0.50 us-oh-157 TU 39127 Perry 0.57 0.60 us-oh-127 PE 39131 Pike 0.49 0.51 us-oh-131 PI 39025 Clermont 0.44 0.43 us-oh-025 CL 39027 Clinton 0.40 0.51 us-oh-027 CL 39159 Union 0.51 0.66 us-oh-159 UN 39021 Champaign 0.50 0.50 us-oh-021 CH 39109 Miami 0.46 0.48 us-oh-109 MI 39003 Allen 0.58 0.62 us-oh-003 AL 39023 Clark 0.49 0.50 us-oh-023 CL 39107 Mercer 0.51 0.50 us-oh-107 ME 39053 Gallia 0.49 0.49 us-oh-053 GA 39117 Morrow 0.51 0.48 us-oh-117 MO 39111 Monroe 0.49 0.40 us-oh-111 MO 39135 Preble 0.51 0.50 us-oh-135 PR 39119 Muskingum 0.51 0.50 us-oh-119 MU 39139 Richland 0.50 0.50 us-oh-139 RI 39051 Fulton 0.50 0.50 us-oh-051 FU 39167 Washington 0.42 0.40 us-oh-167 WA 39175 Wyandot 0.50 0.50 us-oh-175 WY 39169 Wayne 0.50 0.50 us-oh-169 WA 39115 Morgan 0.49 0.51 us-oh-115 MO 39057 Greene 0.50 0.50 us-oh-057 GR 39043 Erie 0.44 0.49 us-oh-043 ER 39125 Paulding 0.41 0.50 us-oh-125 PA 39029 Columbiana 0.57 0.50 us-oh-029 CO 39123 Ottawa 0.28 0.50 us-oh-123 OT 39121 Noble 0.54 0.45 us-oh-121 NO

0 %

of goals attained

Progress Towards Goals

We look forward to Ashland participating soon

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School 42 21 17 + 0
College 27 + 13 10 +
Current Private 198 9 83 68 38
Public 61 13 26 16 6
Transitioning Adult Education 84 13 48 20 +
Unemployed 117 25 58 25 9
Recent Veteran + 0 + 0 0
Workforce category not identified 14 + + + 0
Totals 538 85 250 144 59
Workforce Total
Emerging High School 42 21 17 + 0
College 27 + 13 10 +
Current Private 198 9 83 68 38
Public 61 13 26 16 6
Transitioning Adult Education 84 13 48 20 +
Unemployed 117 25 58 25 9
Recent Veteran + 0 + 0 0
Workforce category not identified 14 + + + 0
Totals 538 85 250 144 59

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Sep 30, 2024

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging N/A 69
N/A 259
Transitioning N/A 203
Workforce category not identified 7 7
Workforce Goals Actual
Employers Supporting N/A 1

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 3 1 0 0
Bronze 10 0 0
Silver 13 0
Gold 0

Employers in Ashland County recognize or recommend the ACT WorkKeys NCRC

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gold star icon Denotes this employers recommends job candidates have a Workkeys Certificate. Other employers recognize when job candidates hold a certificate.