Isle of Wight, Virginia

Isle of Wight County is a participating Work Ready Community that is actively engaged in earning their certified status.

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Sep 30, 2024

Goals updated only for participating counties

51510 Alexandria 0.50 0.46 us-va-510 AL 51001 Accomack 0.42 0.42 us-va-001 AC 51013 Arlington 0.89 0.63 us-va-013 AR 51131 Northampton 0.37 0.21 us-va-131 NO 51600 Fairfax 0.50 0.51 us-va-600 FA 51059 Fairfax 0.65 0.65 us-va-059 FA 51690 Martinsville 0.45 0.47 us-va-690 MA 51750 Radford 0.82 0.23 us-va-750 RA 51595 Emporia 0.57 0.50 us-va-595 EM 51678 Lexington 0.38 0.38 us-va-678 LE 51530 Buena Vista 0.13 0.89 us-va-530 BV 51051 Dickenson 0.49 0.55 us-va-051 DI 51167 Russell 0.49 0.45 us-va-167 RU 51153 Prince William 0.58 0.70 us-va-153 PW 51840 Winchester 0.33 0.58 us-va-840 WI 51085 Hanover 0.31 0.44 us-va-085 HA 51075 Goochland 0.26 0.41 us-va-075 GO 51031 Campbell 0.56 0.49 us-va-031 CA 51037 Charlotte 0.44 0.36 us-va-037 CH 51720 Norton 0.56 0.49 us-va-720 NO 51800 Suffolk 0.52 0.64 us-va-800 SU 51061 Fauquier 0.54 0.44 us-va-061 FA 51520 Bristol 0.26 0.81 us-va-520 BR 51515 Bedford 0.49 0.36 us-va-515 BE 51035 Carroll 0.54 0.54 us-va-035 CA 51580 Covington 0.38 0.52 us-va-580 CO 51005 Alleghany 0.26 0.59 us-va-005 AL 51045 Craig 0.53 0.47 us-va-045 CR 51083 Halifax 0.51 0.51 us-va-083 HA 51015 Augusta 0.44 0.48 us-va-015 AU 51003 Albemarle 0.35 0.51 us-va-003 AL 51540 Charlottesville 0.50 0.49 us-va-540 CH 51033 Caroline 0.56 0.50 us-va-033 CA 51101 King William 0.29 0.36 us-va-101 KW 51740 Portsmouth 0.14 0.03 us-va-740 PO 51195 Wise 0.34 0.53 us-va-195 WI 51105 Lee 0.71 0.56 us-va-105 LE 51077 Grayson 0.55 0.55 us-va-077 GR 51193 Westmoreland 0.69 0.64 us-va-193 WE 51057 Essex 0.40 0.45 us-va-057 ES 51113 Madison 0.51 0.59 us-va-113 MA 51157 Rappahannock 0.44 0.51 us-va-157 RA 51735 Poquoson 0.61 0.29 us-va-735 PO 51199 York 0.77 0.59 us-va-199 YO 51640 Galax 0.46 0.49 us-va-640 GA 51685 Manassas Park 0.51 0.71 us-va-685 MP 51683 Manassas 0.62 0.66 us-va-683 MA 51053 Dinwiddie 0.52 0.50 us-va-053 DI 51081 Greensville 0.43 0.76 us-va-081 GR 51087 Henrico 0.74 0.61 us-va-087 HE 51071 Giles 0.57 0.51 us-va-071 GI 51121 Montgomery 0.55 0.50 us-va-121 MO 51179 Stafford 0.42 0.43 us-va-179 ST 51630 Fredericksburg 0.33 0.10 us-va-630 FR 51047 Culpeper 0.39 0.54 us-va-047 CU 51550 Chesapeake 0.50 0.53 us-va-550 CH 51710 Norfolk 0.57 0.48 us-va-710 NO 51155 Pulaski 0.54 0.53 us-va-155 PU 51063 Floyd 0.46 0.51 us-va-063 FL 51021 Bland 0.61 0.42 us-va-021 BL 51115 Mathews 0.50 0.37 us-va-115 MA 51073 Gloucester 0.48 0.42 us-va-073 GL 51097 King and Queen 0.63 0.52 us-va-097 KA 51119 Middlesex 0.21 0.35 us-va-119 MI 51041 Chesterfield 0.48 0.53 us-va-041 CH 51570 Colonial Heights 0.55 0.51 us-va-570 CH 51149 Prince George 0.39 0.40 us-va-149 PG 51670 Hopewell 0.75 0.02 us-va-670 HO 51730 Petersburg 0.47 0.56 us-va-730 PE 51775 Salem 0.44 0.30 us-va-775 SA 51770 Roanoke 0.46 0.46 us-va-770 RO 51065 Fluvanna 0.50 0.53 us-va-065 FL 51049 Cumberland 0.60 0.55 us-va-049 CU 51007 Amelia 0.43 0.51 us-va-007 AM 51147 Prince Edward 0.52 0.51 us-va-147 PE 51650 Hampton 0.51 0.47 us-va-650 HA 51187 Warren 0.51 0.47 us-va-187 WA 51069 Frederick 0.44 0.57 us-va-069 FR 51163 Rockbridge 0.37 0.45 us-va-163 RO 51125 Nelson 0.55 0.54 us-va-125 NE 51036 Charles City 0.40 0.46 us-va-036 CC 51111 Lunenburg 0.53 0.54 us-va-111 LU 51173 Smyth 0.53 0.46 us-va-173 SM 51093 Isle of Wight 0.53 0.39 us-va-093 IO 51175 Southampton 0.66 0.60 us-va-175 SO 51620 Franklin 0.50 0.53 us-va-620 FR 51099 King George 0.60 0.49 us-va-099 KG 51191 Washington 0.54 0.59 us-va-191 WA 51095 James City 0.30 0.28 us-va-095 JC 51830 Williamsburg 0.04 0.51 us-va-830 WI 51177 Spotsylvania 0.50 0.51 us-va-177 SP 51810 Virginia Beach 0.46 0.32 us-va-810 VB 51137 Orange 0.53 0.55 us-va-137 OR 51127 New Kent 0.44 0.43 us-va-127 NK 51159 Richmond 0.67 0.68 us-va-159 RI 51019 Bedford 0.43 0.57 us-va-019 BE 51009 Amherst 0.51 0.50 us-va-009 AM 51011 Appomattox 0.46 0.54 us-va-011 AP 51680 Lynchburg 0.39 0.50 us-va-680 LY 51610 Falls Church 0.51 0.92 us-va-610 FC 51161 Roanoke 0.32 0.64 us-va-161 RO 51590 Danville 0.56 0.84 us-va-590 DA 51023 Botetourt 0.44 0.46 us-va-023 BO 51143 Pittsylvania 0.52 0.48 us-va-143 PI 51165 Rockingham 0.38 0.44 us-va-165 RO 51029 Buckingham 0.47 0.51 us-va-029 BU 51043 Clarke 0.49 0.55 us-va-043 CL 51700 Newport News 0.17 0.44 us-va-700 NN 51017 Bath 0.50 0.50 us-va-017 BA 51185 Tazewell 0.47 0.55 us-va-185 TA 51107 Loudoun 0.51 0.46 us-va-107 LO 51091 Highland 0.50 0.61 us-va-091 HI 51089 Henry 0.23 0.53 us-va-089 HE 51169 Scott 0.56 0.57 us-va-169 SC 51025 Brunswick 0.53 0.52 us-va-025 BR 51027 Buchanan 0.46 0.59 us-va-027 BU 51135 Nottoway 0.40 0.52 us-va-135 NO 51067 Franklin 0.60 0.52 us-va-067 FR 51109 Louisa 0.56 0.35 us-va-109 LO 51181 Surry 0.51 0.39 us-va-181 SU 51183 Sussex 0.50 0.49 us-va-183 SU 51103 Lancaster 0.57 0.52 us-va-103 LA 51117 Mecklenburg 0.55 0.59 us-va-117 ME 51171 Shenandoah 0.59 0.41 us-va-171 SH 51133 Northumberland 0.47 0.37 us-va-133 NO 51141 Patrick 0.63 0.49 us-va-141 PA 51079 Greene 0.49 0.55 us-va-079 GR 51197 Wythe 0.49 0.45 us-va-197 WY 51660 Harrisonburg 0.62 0.61 us-va-660 HA 51820 Waynesboro 0.47 0.51 us-va-820 WA 51790 Staunton 0.47 0.49 us-va-790 ST 51145 Powhatan 0.51 0.50 us-va-145 PO 51760 Richmond 0.59 0.43 us-va-760 RI 51139 Page 0.53 0.48 us-va-139 PA

34 %

of goals attained

Progress Towards Goals

Isle of Wight is actively participating in the Work Ready program. To become a Certified Work Ready Community, they must prove their ongoing commitment to developing a thriving economy for employers and employees. Requirements include:

  • Having economic development advocates receive training at a Work Ready Bootcamp.
  • Help members of the community's current, emerging and transitioning workforce earn National Career Readiness Certificates.
  • Generate support among private and public employers in the community for hiring people who have earned an NCRC.

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School + + 0 0 0
College 11 + + + 0
Current Private 51 11 21 16 +
Public 22 8 9 + +
Transitioning Adult Education + 0 + 0 +
Unemployed 45 12 20 11 +
Recent Veteran 0 0 0 0 0
Workforce category not identified + 0 + 0 0
Totals 136 37 57 34 8
Workforce Total
Emerging High School + + 0 0 0
College 11 + + + 0
Current Private 51 11 21 16 +
Public 22 8 9 + +
Transitioning Adult Education + 0 + 0 +
Unemployed 45 12 20 11 +
Recent Veteran 0 0 0 0 0
Workforce category not identified + 0 + 0 0
Totals 136 37 57 34 8

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Sep 30, 2024

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging 111 13
16 73
Transitioning 97 48
Workforce category not identified + 2
Workforce Goals Actual
Employers Supporting 38 13

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 0 0 0 0
Bronze 1 0 0
Silver 0 0
Gold 0

Service Delivery Locations

These are the locations in Isle of Wight County where a job seeker can take the WorkKeys test.

  • Paul D. Camp Community College

  • Isle of Wight County Economic Development

Participating High Schools

These Isle of Wight County high schools help students prepare for and take the WorkKeys test.

  • Smithfield High School

  • Windsor High School

Contact Us

For more information on Isle of Wight County's efforts in the Work Ready program, contact:

Isle of Wight County



Employers in Isle of Wight County recognize or recommend the ACT WorkKeys NCRC

Does your business support job applicants with an ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate?

Learn Why It’s Important (PDF) Join The List
View All 13 Isle of Wight County Employers Supporting

gold star icon Denotes this employers recommends job candidates have a Workkeys Certificate. Other employers recognize when job candidates hold a certificate.