FOX-10 TV in Mobile, Alabama recently showcase healthcare apprenticeship programs at Coastal Alabama Community College.
Every advantage counts when looking to attract new industries, and the City of Meridian is looking to get a leg up on the competition. A cooperative effort between the city, Meridian Public School District, Lauderdale County School District and Meridian Community College looks to lead the community into becoming an ACT Work Ready Community.
- How the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate has helped workers in Eddie’s community.
- The equity, access, and opportunity barriers that communities face and what the Arkansas Division of Workforce Services is doing to overcome those challenges.
- The workforce innovations that need to take place for companies and employees to be successful.
returns this fall with Nashville as its host city. This premier professional development and networking event has drawn national leaders in workforce and economic development, education and training, government, and business and industry.
ACT Workforce Summit
October 4-6, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee
Music City, USA, is the right place for us to connect and learn how all stakeholders in the workforce ecosystem can work “in harmony” to create a smarter, more adaptable, highly trained national workforce, one community at a time.
Don’t miss sessions with national thought leaders to help you fully prepare emerging workers, upskill current workers, build resilient economies, and create robust partnerships crucial for a thriving workforce community.
Work Ready Communities that meet or renew their certification before June 30, 2023 will be recognized at this year's summit.
Dr. Charlette T. Woolridge, Greensville County Administrator, stated, “Greensville County is pleased to announce that we are recognized as a Certified Work Ready Community, which was a goal of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors. This designation certifies and validates that Greensville County has a skilled and educated workforce to meet the growing and diverse economic needs of employers. We will continue our efforts to work collaboratively with stakeholders to maintain this designation and to grow new talent to ensure that Greensville County is the “Premier Location for Growth and Opportunity.”
Several Morrilton High School students have achieved WorkKeys certification based on results of a career technical assessment. WorkKeys measures essential work skills needed for success in jobs across various industries and occupations. A number of students achieved Gold status, which indicates the student possesses 90 percent of the skills necessary for all jobs in the workforce, while a few others earned the Platinum designation, which means they possess 99 percent of the necessary skills. South Conway County Schools Superintendent Shawn Halbrook says the certification is a tremendous accomplishment that proves the students are ready to excel in the workforce.
They want to start programs to help young people -- support programs, education programs, economic programs and something-to-do programs. They want to upgrade a ball field. And they want to give Franklin people a new way to roll.
They were the eight teams representing St. Mary Parish high schools that participated in the Rotary Club of Morgan City’s New Generation event. Thursday was the night to present their ideas for civic improvements to the public at Morgan City High.
The Patterson High School team proposed that earning the Work Ready Communities designation would boost growth and employment opportunities.
Guam Community College announces open registration for its upcoming Construction Boot Camp IV. Boot camp participants will take courses in carpentry, masonry, and electricity with additional certifications in WorkKeys®, Work Ethic, OHSA-10, and Heartsaver/CPR/First-Aid. Black Construction will offer employment to participants who successfully complete the boot camp.
The building, which is nearly 15,000 square feet, is a modern employment training center for students in the region and will house both the Arkansas High School Collegiate Academy and the Secondary Career and Technical Education Center, according to Casey Curtis, the college's communications coordinator. It also will function as a community meeting space and a site for business and industry training.
Students across the Golden Triangle will soon have the opportunity to learn how to properly change oil, use a circular saw and even how to operate a fire extinguisher from the comfort of a traditional classroom. Middle school through adult education students can soon explore new careers and train for them in a safe and controlled environment through virtual reality.

Ready for Work Podcast
The Voice of the Workforce Ecosystem
Showcasing excellence and innovation throughout the workforce ecosystem.